Hauora | Health & Social Support
Supporting our whānau to thrive
Our hauora services offer holistic wrap-around tautoko for a range of needs. We are committed to reducing barriers for whānau accessing support and advocate for equitable outcomes for whānau and systemic change. Whānau are the heart of our mahi, and we keep their mana and mana motuhake central to the kaupapa.


Community Support
Our social workers and kaimahi hauora offer tautoko in:
- Navigating and accessing community and Government services
- Advocacy and support at appointments
- Managing stress and mental health challenges
- Drug and alcohol support
- Connecting with Te Ao Māori, whānau and iwi
- Housing assistance
- Whānau and relationships
- Youth mentoring
- Employment and training opportunities and preparation
- Energy hardship support
We welcome self-referrals, as well as from whānau and organisations. Get in touch via referrals@manatahuna.co.nz or pop in and see us at Te Hoeroa Whānau Hub, Cherry Blossom Ave, Remarkables Park.
Eke Panuku
Mana Tāhuna holds 2 Drop-In sessions a week. These sessions are for our social worker and kaimahi hauora to support whānau struggling with substance abuse, violence or mental health with brief interventions and technique. We take a holistic, whakapapa and tikanga-based approach to this mahi, recognising that substance issues never occur in isolation. We also provide tautoko and advocacy for other challenges whānau may be facing, such as connection to whānau, iwi or whenua; housing; mental health; financial hardship; relationships and employment. We work closely with the Department of Corrections and Ministry of Social Development to deliver this service, but also welcome referrals from the community.

We provide tailored support to empower whānau in navigating the job market effectively and securing meaningful employment. Using our networks across the community and our own Mahi Taiao, we are able to connect whānau with employers, and provide job-ready support to ensure they have the best opportunity to succeed.