Nau mai, Haere mai ki Mana Tāhuna
We are a kaupapa Māori Charitable Trust committed to and leading positive systemic change for the community and the Taiao.

Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whenua, Haere Whakamua
Kaupapa Māori
Hauora | Health & Social Support
Creating a safe, supportive environment for our whānau to connect, grow, be healthy and thrive as Māori in Tāhuna.
We can help you or someone you know - no referral needed.

Te Taiao | Environment
Supporting our Taiao
We work with landowners to improve the health of the whenua, restore native species and improve water quality. Find out how we can support you on your land restoration and improvement journey.
Kaupapa Māori |Cultural
Creating a cultural legacy
Support, education and advisory services to support whānau connect, learn and reclaim their culture & non-Māori to learn about te ao Māori.

Rangatahi | Youth
Supporting the next generation
From drop in sessions to leadership wānanga we providing spaces and programmes for Rangatahi in Tāhuna to learn and grown and fulfil their potential.
Whakawhanake | Innovations & Pathways
Support, education and advisory services to support whānau connect, learn and reclaim their culture & non-Māori to learn about te ao Māori.

Our Impact
Mana Tāhuna Charitable Trust korowai of support and 28 passionate kaimahi, are committed to ensuring our social, cultural and environmental impacts are everlasting. Established in 2020 we have only just scratched the surface of what we can do with our community.

600 whānau
We have helped over 600 individual whānau connect, learn and reclaim their culture.

10,000 hectares
We are helping restore over 10,000 hectares of freshwater catchment in the Whakatipu.

560 whānau
We have supported over 560 whānau through covid isolation with kai and health support.

75 jobs
We have created over 75 jobs and apprenticeships in Tāhuna.

30 whānau
Our drop in services support over 20 whānau weekly through mental health and drug and addiction.

88,000 plants
We have planted over 88,000 plants throughout the Whakatipu Basin.
Our Mahi
Mana Tāhuna Charitable Trust korowai of support and 28 passionate kaimahi, are committed to ensuring our social, cultural and environmental impacts are everlasting. Established in 2020 we have only just scratched the surface of what we can do with our community.

For Our People
We are leaders in Te Ao Māori in Tāhuna. We help our whānau connect, learn and reclaim their culture.

For Our Community
We provide pastoral care and rehabilitative services to all whānau in Queenstown-Lakes.

For Our Rangatahi
Our youth are our future leaders, we provide support and education to help them fulfill their potential.

For Te Taiao
Working with our catchment stakeholders, we are helping to restore the health of our Whenua
Work with us to make a lasting difference
Together we can build a self-sustaining environment for our whānau to thrive. We are here as partners to help both our community and our land.